Sunday, March 17, 2013

Essential Oils

I am so excited to tell you about doterra. I have just recently started looking into essential oils, and came across this company called doterra.
I originally just wanted to use essential oils to put in my homemade cleaning supplies and truly didn't realize how many other benefits they had!
I had bought peppermint and lavender essential oils from our local farmer's market and I was fine with them for that purpose. Well, when I came across doterra, I decided to go to a class and check out what it was about. I figured at the least I would learn how to use my own oils.
What I did learn is that the quality of doterra's oils is far superior to what I had bought at the farmer's market.
My lavender smelled strong, and my peppermint smelled like a peppermint patty. Little did I know that the exact opposite is what they are supposed to smell like!
doterra's lavender smells soothing and flowery and the peppermint is so potent it takes your breath away! (good for sinuses).
I learned the oils go through rigorous testing to ensure their quality. Some of the people at the class had already tried them and swore on their benefits.
I'm the type of person that's not easily "sold" on things, so I researched the company for days upon days and the more I read, the more I liked about it. There's so much more to say, but I'll leave that for a rainy day.
I'm excited to partner with doterra as an independent product consultant and to tell you more about what essential oils can do for you from medicine cabinet makeovers to cleaning supply makeovers and more!!
I will be sharing tips on how to use oils on my facebook page, so go "like" it. You know you want to!
You can purchase oils on my website:
And if you have questions about the oils, contact me at:

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